Clarksville, Tennessee.

FAQ's | Blue Bunny Clarksville

We’re on hand at Blue Bunny to answer any questions you may have about any of our services.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question for the Blue Bunny team? Feel free to check our FAQ's below. If you've got something else, feel free to get in contact.


Which areas do you service?

Blue Bunny generally service any area within a 30 mile radius of Clarksville, TN. 



How long does carpet and upholstery cleaning take?

Dependant on size, we're able to clean the carpet within an hour or two. The carpet or upholstery then takes around two hours to dry fully.



How quickly can you get out to me?

We're usually able to get out to clients within a day or two.



How do I pay?

We're a cash only business and payment is due on completion of the job.



Are you able to provide regular service for my business?

Yes, a large number of our clients are repeat customers.